
// side dishes for the summer

For an architecture student, making a new years resolution is indeed an exercise in futility. Eight out of the twelve month I spent in school is bombarded with studio studio studio, it suffocates the possibility to do anything on the side. I am off to Beijing this summer for a four month work term, in comparison to a school term it is really a vacation in disguise. So in attempt to avoid spending endless hours of ‘free time’ in front of my MacBook, I’ve created a four month compact version of a NYR. Here are what’s on my agenda for the summer besides my day job.

Start studying for GRE, and possibly do a trial run. I think I need something like 1200+.
I will take full advantage of China’s cheap labor force and hire a personal trainer. This will be my After photo come September.
Teach myself Grasshopper, and web design.
Spent time with my beloved toy, I like to look as badass as her.
Put together a reading list, then fulfill at least half the list. 

This is by the way an incomplete list of resolutions, it is meant to evolve over the course of the summer. I will check back in September for a completion report.

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